Improving our Clients’ Financial Well-Being

Investment, Business and Retirement Planning Strategies
for Clients in Boston, MA & the Entire Northeast

At Managed Wealth Strategies, we offer a range of services and personalized strategies designed to help our clients save, grow, and protect their wealth.

With wealth management, our wealth advisors can review and evaluate existing asset portfolios to improve efficiency and risk profile, helping clients achieve their financial objectives while minimizing tax exposure. For individuals, we focus on financial balance, investment planning, and securing financial independence. For businesses, we address concerns such as buy/sell agreements, benefit planning, succession/legacy planning, and overall efficiency.

In addition to our wealth management solutions, we also focus on helping our clients achieve retirement/financial independence in the form of comprehensive retirement planning, finding retirement annuities, and working with a life insurance agent to find the right policy for you.

If you are ready to take control of your financial future and explore how Managed Wealth Strategies can help you achieve your goals, we welcome you to contact our office today and schedule an appointment! We proudly serve clients throughout Northborough, Boston, MA, and the surrounding areas.

We carefully analyze and evaluate our client’s risk exposure and the impact on their family, business and their long term financial plan in the event of the financial losses resulting from a death, an income loss, or a long-term disability. We do this using an uncommon process called Human Life Value (HLV) assessment. An essential component of assessing a client’s HLV is educating them about the important impact and consequences of improperly funding their full HLV/economic risk; that is, risk resulting from death or disability occurring during the wealth accumulation stages of life. Additionally, we measure the potential value-added benefits and confidence gained throughout our clients’ lives by being properly protected.
We review and evaluate existing asset portfolio in an effort to improve portfolio efficiency and risk profile towards the client’s objectives. This process is measured in terms of income and growth, and tax exposure in an effort to match the client’s target objective and suitability. It is every bit as important (perhaps even more important) to have proper downside risk protection than it is catching the full wave of a US bull stock market. This means that some of your portfolio, because of the level of diversification, may actually behave poorly in a US bull market, but will potentially perform better in a bear stock market. This strategy will help to lessen the blow to your portfolio when the market corrects, therefore lessening the disruption in your long-term growth progression. Slow but steady wins the long race.
We identify our clients' personal and family concerns and wants, such as protection against expected and unexpected events, building and maintaining financial balance, goal and education planning, and securing financial independence/retirement. For your business life, we will identify and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Our evaluation will include identifying areas of concern such as buy/sell, key person, and benefit planning strategies. We will also include succession/legacy planning, if applicable. Also important is maintaining a life and business balance. This will efficiently maximize your options in all seasons of life. As much as we all think we know what we need, until you're "there" you will not truly know... So it’s important to prepare a plan that is ready for all seasons.
We help create and improve the client’s personal and business cash flow processes. Using our "save first" approach, we aim to maximize cash flow efficiency and improve client lifestyle as part of their overall macro-economic strategy. Helping our business clients to identify new cash flow sources that can be redirected to enhance profitability and/or improve the business in various ways. This may include such things as key executive and employee retention, improved infrastructure and new marketing initiatives. Also, designing efficient strategies for very specific goals such as college education, purchasing/managing a business or vacation property or for retirement/financial independence.

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